Talbot County Emergency Operations Plan
The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a guiding document that outlines how Talbot County will respond to and recover from a disaster. This plan serves as a foundation document designed to guide actions before, during, and following major emergencies or disasters. The EOP is the underpinning of a comprehensive emergency management organization where those identified in the plan work together with emergency management staff to identify hazards, plan to reduce the impacts of hazards through mitigation efforts, and effectively respond to and recover by working together.
This planning process began in December 2022 and has been a full year of reviewing, reflecting, creatively thinking, and working collaboratively with our partners to ensure a well-prepared plan. This plan has been built in collaboration with County government, municipalities, and support agencies and organizations across Talbot County, the Eastern Shore, and the State of Maryland. This plan not only utilized guidance from FEMA’s National Response Framework but also guidance from best practices we have experienced here locally, namely following our most recent large-scale incident, COVID-19. We learned many lessons in the last few years pertaining to our capabilities, how to creatively use resources, and strategies to support the community in ways we had not in the past.
This plan is intended to be a living document that can be adjusted from time to time based on new information, emergency response critiques, increased local capabilities, and improved guidance from our state and federal partners.