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Talbot will open a Cooling Center Wednesday and Thursday 9am-6pm at the Talbot Community Center by Talbot County Emergency Services (DES) on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 3:37pm


MEDIA CONTACT: Date: 7/6/2010                                             Michael Boldosser, 410-770-8160

As a result of the extreme heat condition...Talbot will open a Cooling Center this Wednesday and Thursday 9am - 6pm at the Talbot Community Center located on Route 50 north of Easton...

Anyone coming to the facility should plan on bringing non perishable foods for their needs...water will be available…

It is critically important that people take this heat seriously by drinking plenty of fluids and limiting exposure to the heat...especially the older and younger population...

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station 90
Headquarters - Located at the Easton Airport on Corkran Road and staffed 24 hours a day.

CERT - Community Emergency Response Team